Please follow the format shown below within the body of your email:
• [Artist name]
• [Title of piece(s)] If submitted work is untitled, leave blank
• [Short piece of text tied to the work] Optional – this can be a relevant quote, a brief description of the work, a poem, anything. Descriptive text will most likely not be published in the zine itself, but might be included in posts on our social media platforms.
Format the filenames of your submitted works as follows: ArtistName_TitleOfWork(.jpg/.pdf/.doc)
• All pieces of visual art should be submitted in .jpg, .pdf, .tiff or .png format, at the highest resolution possible (but at least 200DPI).
• Please do not submit more than 6 pieces of visual art at a time. We naturally love having a wide variety of options to choose from, but it becomes overwhelming after a certain point. Think of your poor editors, please!
• All submitted poems/flash fiction must be submitted in .pdf or .doc format. The total length of written pieces should not exceed 6 full A5 pages.